Chris Monroe's Quinza


I saw your web site and made a Quinza here in NE NJ.

It was 17 degrees outside, but we were quite cozy all night.

Thanks for the inspiration.

I shot this four hours after sunset.

Tripod mounted Nikon F4-S with 20mm Nikon Lens

200 speed Kodak Royal Gold film.

exposure - f5.6 at 4 seconds

A Princeton Tec Impact LED Flashlight with blue LED was placed into the

Quinza and pointed to the rear wall.

A Coleman propane lantern set on low and placed to the cameras left.

The street lights from the distance lit up the night sky.

This image was scanned onto a Photo CD then heavily retouched.

Stars were complements of my graphics program - Paint Shop Pro 7.

The original image was very yellow due to the low color temperature

light output of the Coleman Lantern.

This was corrected with the graphics program.

Backpacks and other items in the image were removed during retouching.

Chris Monroe